It’s time to come back to The Concept of Law after a
long hiatus. And after my extended discussion of Hart’s methodological
confusions, it’s time to get to substance. Chapters 2 to 4 of the book are
dedicated to the explication and critique of John Austin and, to a lesser
extent, of Hans Kelsen. It is often said that it was Hart’s arguments in these
chapters that dealt a decisive blow to Austin’s work and more generally
demolished the command theory of law. Let us consider these claims in order.
To give Hart credit for his critique of Austin’s ideas, or
“command theories” more generally, suggests that until Hart came on the scene
Austin was considered something of an established truth. The reality is that not one
of the arguments Hart presented against Austin was novel. In fact, by the time The
Concept of Law was published, the arguments against Austin were more than
half-a-century old.
Hart presented three challenges to Austin’s view
in chapter 3:
Laws may impose duties on those who make them. Therefore, the claim that law is
a command issued by someone who is not subject to the command is false.
Some laws are power-conferring: contract law or probate empower people to do
certain things, they do not command them to do anything.
Customs’ status as law is not the product of any “conscious law-creating act,”
so it is false to think of law’s as limited to intentional commands.
is the now-forgotten Jethro Brown, writing in 1906, and summarizing some earlier
criticisms of Austin:
is Brown, making the point that the command theory does not fit customary law:
Brown also considered the idea of empowering laws as
commands to someone else (“a statute empowering Borough Councils to impose a
new rate is also a command to the subjects to pay the rate when called upon to
do so”, “It may be said of [rules that allow people to create a corporation]
that they involve a real imperative, i.e. the command to the judge”).
Brown, James Bryce, writing in 1901, explained why Austin’s view of sovereignty
was inadequate for most countries in the world, where the lawmaker is constrained by law:
At times, not just the ideas are familiar, even the words used are similar. Here is Hart:
command is characteristically to exercise authority over men, not power to
inflict harm, and though it may be combined with threats of harm a command is
primarily an appeal not to fear but to respect for authority. [CL 20.]
And here is Jethro Brown again:
essence of command consists in the fact that it is imposed by a body which
speaks with authority and can somehow or other punish disobedience, not in the
fact that its being obeyed through fear of a penalty. [Brown, The Austinian
Theory of Law, 343–44.]
early enough? Sources too obscure? How about the Encyclopædia Britannica
(9th ed., 1882), volume
14, in the entry “Law”:
Hart knew of these books is not in question. In 1953 he was asked to write a
short survey about jurisprudence in Britain. His essay contains a list of
leading jurisprudential books used in British universities. Here is how the
list begins:

understood in context—when we remember that The Concept of Law was intended as an introductory
text on jurisprudence and was based on lectures delivered to undergraduate law students—the
opening chapters of The Concept of Law are understandable (although citation
to some of these earlier works would have been appropriate). Austin was a
convenient way to start the discussion, and the relative simplicity of his
ideas made it easy to introduce the subject with his work. It is not widely
known today, but even in this respect The Concept of Law is not
original. By the time it was published, opening a course on jurisprudence with
Austin-bashing was itself an established practice. Jolowicz, in his Lectures on
Jurisprudence (published 1963, but based on lectured delivered between 1924
and 1948) said that “Austin’s doctrine forms a very good target—we must set it
up and see it clearly in order to throw bricks at it” (Old
habits die hard: Shapiro
and Marmor.)
If The
Concept of Law had been treated for what it is, a textbook for students, none
of this would have mattered much. It does matter against the familiar refrain
that before Hart jurisprudence was an amateurish and unsophisticated and that with
The Concept of Law Hart made it “professional.” It’s difficult to see how
this is so when the same arguments Hart made are found in the writings of the
“dilettantes” who preceded him.