Some more thoughts on the misguided search for the nature of
law. One of the themes in my paper, one that I think deserves
making more explicit, is that under the name of “general jurisprudence,” or the
search for the “nature of law,” one finds two quite different, possibly contradictory, endeavors. Like much else in contemporary (Anglophone)
jurisprudence, these seemingly different enterprises can be traced back to The
Concept of Law, and specifically to its famous preface, where Hart claimed
to be doing both “analytical jurisprudence” and “descriptive sociology.”
I hope to dedicate later posts to The Concept of Law
and whether it deserves the praise heaped on it. (The answer
for twitter: it doesn’t.) For the time being I want to consider the book’s
legacy. Few nowadays think, as far as I know, that “analytic jurisprudence” and
“descriptive sociology” are perfectly congruent, which is why different
people who see themselves as following in Hart’s footsteps end up picking sides. John Gardner is someone who favors the analytic jurisprudence
interpretation, Ken Himma adopts the descriptive sociology interpretation. More
interestingly, many scholars seem to shift between the two interpretations.
Marmor 2005:
[A]rtistic genres, like legal institutions are products of culture, and hence cannot be misidentified extensively. The fact that law is a cultural product par excellence renders a realist position, and hence a Putnamian account about the meaning of ‘law’, incomprehensible.
Marmor 2013:
Thought…even if it is collective and public, as revealed by language use—is never a guarantee of truth. The fact that we collectively think about something in a certain way does not mean that things are that way. Systematic errors are not unheard of, even if they are deeply entrenched in our language use.
Green 1996 (expounding Hart’s views to a stubbornly
uaappreciative world):
There is no essence of law, the understanding of which can replace the hard historical, sociological, or, if you like, genealogical task of explaining law as a social phenomenon.
Green 20123 (still expounding Hart’s views to a still
stubbornly unappreciative world):
Hart goes so far as to call his account ‘an essay in descriptive sociology’. That is probably going too far. It is an essay in analytic legal philosophy….There is [in The Concept of Law] none of the linguistic philosophers’ hostility to theory building; no suggestion that legal system is a ‘family-resemblance’ concept or anything like it. Hart even works out necessary and sufficient conditions for something to be a legal system!
These two sets of statements seem to me to be contradictory.
Both suggest a move from the sociological version of general jurisprudence to
the pre-sociological one. In the paper I suggested that Joseph Raz’s views have
shifted in the opposite direction. No doubt, people are entitled to change
their mind, but the fact that these two very different views continue to exist,
sometimes (as here) in the writings of the same person, without acknowledgement
of change, suggests that two very different enterprises may be confused. To
quote my paper again, here is a secondary aim I set out for it:
It goes without saying that I hope to convince readers that conceptual jurisprudence is not a viable enterprise, but I recognize that I am unlikely to convince everyone. I hope that even those who remain unconvinced will benefit from recognizing the need for greater clarity on what it is that they are doing when they engage in conceptual jurisprudence.
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